Researchers Juan José González Badillo, Juan Ribas Serna and David Rodríguez Rosell, members of Sevilla FC’s R+D+i Department together with Luis Sánchez Medina, have published a study which clarifies various concepts, theories and principles relating to the objectives, organisation, methodology and evaluation of the effects of strength training, following a detailed and rigorous examination of the existing literature and the results of research carried out by the authors themselves.
The general purpose of this work is to expose, analyse and constructively debate the anomalies present in the current methodology of strength training. Specifically, it deals with the inappropriate and confusing use of terminology, the need to clarify the objectives of strength training, the concept of maximal strength itself, the control and monitoring of the dosage of strength exercises, the existing programming models and the evaluation of the effects of training. The new paradigm involves precise control of the training load, the effort involved for the athlete and the effect of the training. All of this is based on the control of the speed of repetitions during training, which provides the necessary information to know the real loads that induce specific effects in each athlete.
González Badillo, Ribas Serna and Rodríguez Rosell are researchers of recognised prestige and trajectory who are currently integrated in the Department of Research, Development and Innovation of Sevilla FC developing their work in the specialities of Medicine and Sports Sciences.