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Renewed agreement for the III Edition of the Sevilla FC Chair: university, business, and sports.

The president of Sevilla FC, José Castro Carmona, and the rector of Pablo de Olavide University, Francisco Oliva Blázquez, renewed the collaboration agreement this Wednesday for the development of the third edition of the ‘Sevilla FC Chair: University, Business, and Sports.’ The objective of this chair is to develop an integrated system of research, training, analysis, information, and dissemination activities related to knowledge transfer, employability, and entrepreneurship in the university, business, and sports fields. Also present at the event were the Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations and Foundations, Laura López de la Cruz, and the Head of the R&D&I Department at Sevilla FC, José María Cruz Gallardo.

José Castro highlighted Sevilla FC’s involvement in all areas of society, particularly in the field of education. ‘We believe that we can contribute to promoting innovation and knowledge from within the university since we are the reference club in LaLiga in terms of technological development,’ he emphasized. He also added that both institutions are strengthened with this Chair and referred to the 25th Anniversary of Pablo de Olavide University, ‘a project that is now a great reality, and we feel part of it.’

On the other hand, in the words of Francisco Oliva, the Chair stands out for its degree of employability, its connection to the entrepreneurial culture, and its social commitment: ‘This Chair works, and it is satisfying that Sevilla FC is committed to it. For the University, synergy with societal agents is very important, especially with such a powerful entity.’ He also highlighted the importance of sports for Pablo de Olavide University and referred to the infrastructure improvements currently underway, such as the new athletics track.

The Chair Council for this third edition will be formed, on the part of Pablo de Olavide University, by the Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations and Foundations and professor of the Department of Private Law, Laura López de la Cruz; the professor from the Department of Sport and Computer Science, Javier Gálvez González, who will direct the Chair; the professor from the Department of Computer Science and director of the Higher Polytechnic School, Norberto Díaz Díaz; and the coordinator of the Employability and Entrepreneurship Area at the Pablo de Olavide University Foundation, Javier Ramos Valenzuela. Likewise, on the part of Sevilla FC, the first vice president of Sevilla FC, José María del Nido Carrasco; the deputy general manager, Jesús Arroyo Sánchez; the head of the R&D&I Department, José María Cruz Gallardo; and Juan Esteban Gómez Llamas, also from the R&D&I Department, will be part of it.

During the development of this Chair, almost a dozen students have joined the club professionally. In addition, 20 training scholarships have been launched, along with four editions of the university expert title, three summer courses ‘360º Sports Management applied to football,’ and an advanced professional development course. The Chair has created the ‘Manuel Blasco Garzón’ award, named after the president of the Seville club between 1924 and 1925, to recognize the excellence of the best Bachelor’s and Master’s Theses carried out by students enrolled at the UPO. It has conducted numerous free webinars for the university community and collaborated in the UPOemprende competition.

Among the activities outlined in the collaboration agreement, the Chair includes advising and preparing reports and other studies; organizing and holding training activities; developing cultural activities; participating in congresses and conferences; and conducting joint research and diagnostic activities. It also involves designing and implementing strategies to promote entrepreneurial culture, open innovation, and support for UPO start-ups and spin-offs; social commitment actions; and the promotion and funding of Strategic Lines of Specific Training Activities at the University.