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“EcoFit Proteinlab” the winning business idea of the III Hackathon UPOemprende

The third edition of the competition, organized by the Vice-Rectorate of Institutional Relations and Foundations of Pablo de Olavide University, through the General Directorate of Employability and Entrepreneurship, and Andalucía Emprende, has involved 19 students, distributed across six multidisciplinary teams. Throughout the day, they worked to respond to the challenge posed by M2R Agrofarm, focusing on providing creative solutions based on the circular economy within the food sector.

‘EcoFit Proteinlab,’ a business idea based on producing meat from stem cells with high nutritional value, emerged as the winning concept. This initiative not only aims to offer a quality food product but also seeks to reduce production and distribution costs, decrease CO2 emissions associated with traditional livestock farming, and improve animal welfare.

The winning team had the privilege of being mentored by José Luis Fuentes from the CADE of Alcalá de Guadaira. The team comprised María Yórquez García, a bilingual student in Business Administration and Management; José Ramón Caballos Valle, a student of Biotechnology; and Miryam Amian Nuñez, a student of Finance and Accounting.

In addition to the mentors from Andalucía Emprende, who provided guidance and technical support throughout the day, participants also received assistance from expert ‘helpers.’ These ‘helpers’ came from collaborating entities such as Fusión Startups, the Innovation Center of Sevilla FC, and the UPO Entrepreneurship Club.

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The club was present at the Sportbitz Network in Warsaw

A few days ago, José Ramón Collado, the International Sports Projects Manager of Sevilla FC, represented the organization at the Sportbitz Network in Warsaw, Poland. An event attended by representatives from 15 countries and numerous European clubs.

Sevilla FC was able to showcase in Warsaw how it has implemented various digitization processes in all its areas in recent years, which have elevated the organization to very high sustainability standards. The congress enjoys great prestige, and this 2024 edition marked the 22nd, proving to be a success in terms of international business and sports conference. Over 60 speakers participated, presenting studies and specific success stories, such as the digitization process at Sevilla FC.

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Physical and Sports performance update seminar

his Thursday, a Physical and Sports Performance Update Seminar will be held at Pablo de Olavide University (UPO), organized by the Innovation Center of Sevilla FC. Within UPO itself, there is the Sevilla FC Chair: University, Business, and Sports, where this seminar is situated, aiming to delve into the role of scientists in sports sciences and the effect, dosing, and control of training.

The seminar will take place from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm in Building 11, Classroom 4, at UPO, and will feature David Rodríguez Rosell (Coordinator of Physical and Sports Performance at the R&D&I Area of Sevilla FC) and Carmen Serrano Cañadillas (PhD student in Sports Science).

Registration is completely free and can be done through this link.

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Infografías galardonadas en la `Categoría Deporte´ de la III Edición de los Premios Blasco Garzón

Unos galardones encuadrados dentro de la ‘Cátedra Sevilla FC: Universidad, Empresa y Deporte’ que el club creó en la UPO. El Sevilla FC, a través de su Innovation Center, reconoce mediante estos premios la excelencia de los mejores trabajos Fin de Grado y Fin de Máster que presentan los distintos alumnos matriculados en la UPO, tanto en títulos oficiales como en formación permanente. Con esta iniciativa, el club pretende fomentar el estudio, la iniciación a la investigación y la transferencia de conocimiento en distintos campos del saber, cumpliendo con los objetivos primordiales de su Innovation Center.

Como novedad en esta edición, los finalista han tenido que generar una infografía del trabajo presentado:

Infografía TFM – Categoría Deporte

Efectos del Entrenamiento de Fuerza en Jugadoras Jóvenes de Fútbol Carmen Serrano Cañadillas

Infografía TFG – Categoría Deporte

Influencia del Pico de Velocidad Máxima de Maduración y la Edad Relativa en la Edad EscolarMaría Cabello Fernández