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Closing Ceremony of the Master in Big Data applied to Scouting in Football at the Pizjuán

The Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán once again hosted the closing ceremony of the Master’s Degree in Applied Big Data for Scouting in Football, one of the flagship courses promoted by Sevilla FC’s Innovation Center as part of its increasingly extensive educational offerings. Students from the last two editions had an in-person session in the heart of the Sevillista temple, specifically in the José Antonio Sánchez-Araujo press room, where, among other professionals from the club, they received a masterclass from the club’s sporting director, Víctor Orta.

Additionally, during this closing ceremony, all the master’s students received a commemorative sash for completing the course in the stadium’s ante box, alongside Sevilla FC’s seven Europa League trophies won to date. All the students completed the day by enjoying the Stadium Tour of the legendary Sevillista stadium.

The master’s program is organized by Sport Data Campus, in collaboration with the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) and the Sevilla FC Innovation Center, and enables professionals to acquire all the necessary knowledge to organize a top-level ‘data-driven’ sports management. Registrations for the VII edition, which will run from October 2024 to June 2025, are now open.

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Spectacular start to the 2024 Sports Data Forum

The 2024 edition of the Sports Data Forum kicked off this Thursday at the Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán Stadium with an inaugural session that brought together over 500 attendees, including various students from the different master’s programs promoted by the Innovation Center of Sevilla FC, Sports Data Campus, and the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM). The opening session was held in person and featured the participation of Sevilla FC President, José María del Nido Carrasco, and Sevilla’s sporting director, Víctor Orta.

The club’s president, alongside José María Cruz Gallardo, the head of Football R&D at Sevilla FC, officially welcomed all present, highlighting that the Sevilla FC Innovation Center is a pioneer in Spanish football, having received the category and license as an authorized sports teaching center, and emphasizing the club’s commitment to technological development. Through the Innovation Center, Sevilla FC aims to share with third parties, who are not direct competitors, all the knowledge acquired over the years.

One of the avenues for this sharing is the educational offerings provided through the Innovation Center, as explained by Juan Esteban Gómez Llamas, the head of Digitalization and Continuous Improvement at Sevilla FC: “Through the Sports Data Campus, one of our educational partners, we offer two master’s programs: Big Data in Scouting and Innovation and Technology in Sports Entities.” Víctor Orta took the opportunity to deliver a masterclass and moderate a panel discussion on the use of data in football analysis.

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Record number of registrations for the 5th Master’s in Big Data.

The sports management is one of the fundamental pillars on which a football club is built, and its adaptation to handling large-scale data is essential today. For this, the work of scouts and analysts is crucial, as they are key personnel in decision-making, and their training is increasingly in demand. Sevilla FC, through its Innovation Center and in collaboration with the Catholic University of Murcia and the Sports Data Campus, co-organizes one of the most reputable training programs in this area: the Master’s in Big Data applied to scouting in football.

It has been three years since the start of this training, and its fifth edition will begin on October 24 with a record number of enrollments. The number of students has increased by a remarkable 35% compared to the fourth edition. This number could increase further, as the enrollment period is still open. Enrollment can be formalized through this link. Master’s in Big Data applied to Scouting in Football in collaboration with Sevilla FC – Sports Data Campus.

The training aims to equip the scouts of the future with the use of digital tools that optimize their work process. An essential matter at a time when there is much discussion about technology, AI, and their impact on workplaces. It represents a development of the professional profile of the scout, enabling them to remain relevant in the market. So far, more than 300 students have completed this prestigious master’s program, providing students with the necessary knowledge to form a ‘Data-Driven’ sports management.

Over the past four editions, students have had the opportunity to do internships in the Data and Analysis departments of Sevilla FC, access internships and job opportunities at other clubs, and develop incredibly interesting final master’s projects.