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Sevilla FC, the protagonist at the Sport Summit Leaders in Argentina.

Sevilla FC has been present this week at the prestigious ‘Sport Summit Leaders’ congress held in Argentina, where it was represented by Juan Esteban Gómez, the club’s coordinator for digitization and continuous improvement. He did so by sharing with the attendees the innovation and data management model for professional football carried out by Sevilla FC, which was described by the event’s moderator as “a success story and a model to follow,” considering the results achieved

Since 2019, when the ‘Innovation Center’ was launched as a meeting point for the innovative proposals that the club offers to the sports industry, the number of projects that provide added value through work processes has been increasing. “We need to generate capital gains and new business lines, which is why the project is not just a one-time need,” said Juan Esteban, before gradually explaining the work that is being carried out. “Making mistakes is allowed, but not trying is not,” he added when explaining the creation of three key areas: R&D&I, Data, and Innovation Center.

The R&D&I area comprises four pillars: Medicine and Sports Science, Data Football, Analysis and Digitalization, and Performance. All with the aim of “contributing to the achievement of the sporting goals through the pursuit of excellence by means of research, development, and the implementation of technology and methodologies that improve the first team’s results,” in the words of Juan Esteban. Another concept conveyed referred to the importance of sharing knowledge: “If we want to innovate, it’s foolish to think that we have all the knowledge ourselves; we should invite people and companies that want to become part of our organization.”

The representative of Sevilla FC also explained projects that have been implemented and are the result of the organization’s technological commitment., one of these projects is AI FOOTBALL, which aims to search for and characterize players; AI RADAR, which has become a “lighthouse” for tracking the market; AI TRACKING, which has subsequently been commercialized with LaLiga Tech as TRANSFER TRACKER, a service for all clubs worldwide that helps determine the corresponding training rights for your players; AI TICKETING, an AI-based platform that predicts stadium attendance at Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán; AI FANS, currently in development to better understand and interact with fans; and AI PATROCINIOS, which enables sponsor scouting.

Juan Esteban concluded by emphasizing the importance of people with an inspired focus to build work processes based on continuous improvement supported by technology.

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The success of the season ticket campaign, the latest milestone in the digital transformation of Sevilla FC

The digital transformation at Sevilla FC continues its irreversible process at cruising speed. A strategic commitment that is optimising all areas of the club in search of improved results. The latest milestone in this digitalisation process took place this summer, when the first 100% digital season ticket renewal campaign was launched with undoubted success. The figures speak for themselves: more than 93% of renewals carried out, all available seats at the Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán sold and record membership figures after the deadline for new registrations in the Red and White categories opened this week.

But undoubtedly, the data that most confirms the success of the campaign is the fact that hardly any incidents have been recorded. Neither in the renewal process nor in the change of seats, which is usually the process that causes the most problems. The facilities offered by the club to its season ticket holders and the implementation of an appointment system for the over 65s, thus bridging the so-called digital divide, were decisive for the success of this campaign. In addition, Sevilla FC provided its season ticket holders with a personalised help and advice service, both by email and telephone, to facilitate the management and resolution of doubts.

Digitalisation is the big change that Sevilla FC is facing as part of its Strategic Plan and is closely associated with the commitment to technological development that has made the club a global benchmark. There are already almost ten applications developed by the Data, Digital and R+D+i departments, with the Transfer Tracker tool as a major milestone, after LaLiga Tech decided to support and market the product created by Sevilla FC. In this sense, and with the aim of seeking the best experience for our fans and supporters, a new tool, called AiFans, continues to be developed, which will allow a 360º description of the fan in order to better understand their interests and needs.

The digital transformation undertaken by the club has been reflected in the 2022-23 season in extraordinary data such as the growth in the Sevilla FC Database, which has reached 45% compared to the previous season. The greatest growth in this sense has been experienced outside our borders, with an increase of 224% in international registrations. Likewise, on Social Networks, Sevilla FC has consolidated its position as the fourth club in Spain in terms of followers, with well over 13.1 million followers among all its official profiles. In addition, the Club has made progress in its commitment to e-learning, a digital platform for internal training through which it makes available to all its employees the knowledge acquired in its different departments, with the aim of continuously developing its employees.

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Tickets for all LaLiga matches are now available for purchase.

Sevilla FC is launching, on its ticketing portal, a new system in the club’s history, which will allow Sevilla fans to purchase tickets, from today, for all LaLiga matches to be played at the Sánchez-Pizjuán, with the exception of those against Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Atlético de Madrid and Real Betis, respectively. This system will also be completely online.

Likewise, the season ticket holder will also be able, from this moment on and from his membership portal, to give up his seat for each and every one of the matches he wishes so that another Sevillista can take his place.

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Coaches from the Czech Football Federation got to know the working processes of Sevilla FC’s youth academy.

Sevilla FC has implemented a work formula in its youth academy based on technological innovation and a methodology that many clubs and federations try to adopt. In this regard, many of them visit the club’s facilities, especially its sports city, to get an inside look at the way of working and the tools that are used. In the last weeks of the past season, it was the Football Federation of the Czech Republic that had this privilege.

The expedition, led by former international player and Atletico Madrid alumnus Radek Bejbl, included around ten coaches who spent three days in Seville, immersing themselves in the innovative way Sevilla FC operates in its youth ranks. They did so through training in which Pablo Blanco and Agustín López, as heads of the youth academy, the then still sporting director, Monchi, and various members of the R&D&I Football department participated. The Czech coaches became acquainted with the youth academy structure, the physical planning carried out in the youth ranks, the general training methodology at different age levels, technology applied to performance improvement, data analysis, the operation of the scouting department, and they attended in-person several training sessions.

“We are very pleased to be able to share our work methodology and training with the Czech Republic Federation. They have highly appreciated the work of the different areas, mainly due to all the knowledge and information available about each player. The goal they have is to enhance their trainers’ coaching of their younger players for improvement in decision-making related to the game,” summarized José Ramón Collado Ripoll, Head of the Football Lab at Sevilla FC.

On the other hand, the head of the Football R&D&I department, José María Cruz Gallardo, explains that “as a youth academy club, Sevilla FC is aware of the importance of developing talent through a high-quality training program inspired by a philosophy of continuous improvement and the constant pursuit of excellence as a way of working. For all these reasons, the club makes the knowledge generated by its professionals over its more than a hundred years of history available to society, and these training visits are a perfect example of that.”

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Registration open for the V and VI editions of the Master in Big Data

More than a hundred students have participated and are completing, respectively, the III and IV editions of one of the main courses that Sevilla FC, through its Innovation Center, articulates with universities. We are talking about the Master’s Degree in Big Data applied to football scouting. A training course that had a special day last week at the Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán, no less, and which has already opened the enrolment period for the next two editions. The V and VI editions will begin in October this year and March 2024, respectively. Full information can be found at this link.

In the III edition, which closed last week in Nervión, more than 50 students took part. A similar number to the IV edition, which began in March this year and still has several months of training ahead of it. This master’s degree is organised by Sevilla FC in collaboration with the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) and the Sports Data Campus. A master’s degree in Spanish and in an online format that allows students (in these latest editions belonging to up to three continents) to perfect their professional training in data analysis and scouting.

During this season, professionals of the highest level took part, including the former Sevilla FC sporting director, Ramón Rodríguez Verdejo ‘Monchi’, and the current director, Víctor Orta. A considerable number of club professionals from the areas of analysis, scouting and data also participated as luxury lecturers. The Master’s Degree in Big Data applied to football scouting brings together sports directors, analysts and scouts seeking to raise their professional level to the highest level.

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The Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán, a luxury venue for both in-house and LaLiga’s training courses.

The Ramón Sánchez Pizjuán has become a luxurious venue for hosting events of all kinds. An ideal setting that provides opportunities for hosting training sessions for various courses offered by Sevilla FC through its Innovation Center every year. Just this week, the Sevilla FC stadium hosted the final day of the Master’s in Sports Journalism organized in collaboration with the University of Seville and another in-person session for the Master’s in Big Data applied to Football Scouting, sponsored in conjunction with the University of Murcia and the Sports Data Campus. The latter is one of the flagship programs offered by the club in its continuous collaboration with universities, adding significant value to the Sevilla FC brand. The Master’s in Big Data applied to Football Scouting has already completed four editions with over 200 students who have honed their skills and been able to grow professionally in a sector that includes sports directors, analysts, and scouts. During this visit to the Sánchez-Pizjuán, held on Thursday, students from both the third edition, who received their respective diplomas, and the fourth edition, which began in March and will conclude in 2024, participated. Professionals from various departments of Sevilla FC, a national and international reference in data usage and technological development applied to football, were the ones conducting the training sessions. The special guest was the new Sporting Director of Sevilla FC, Víctor Orta, who had already participated in previous editions as a global reference in the field. The following day, it was the turn of the Master’s in Sports Journalism, marking the completion of its tenth academic year. Organized by the Faculty of Communication at the University of Seville, through the Center for Permanent Training, and sponsored by Sevilla FC, this master’s program concluded with a keynote address by Ismael Medina, a journalist from Movistar. The event took place in the press room of the Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán, named after the illustrious sports journalist José Antonio Sánchez-Araújo. Attending the event were Pastora Moreno, the program’s director, Enrique López, the director of Continuing and Complementary Education at the University of Seville, and the club’s vice president, Fernando Carrión, who highlighted the club’s commitment to the media. He stated, “Sevilla FC has always understood the importance of walking hand in hand with communication, hence the firm commitment, since the beginning of this century, to have a robust Communication Department, in line with the entity, growing with it and sensitive to new technologies and the current digitization of information. It is a source of pride for us to collaborate with the Faculty of Communication through this master’s program from its inception, training journalists.” Furthermore, the Ramón Sánchez Pizjuán not only serves as a luxurious “classroom” for its own courses and master’s programs but is also regularly chosen by LaLiga Business School to host special sessions for many of its academic offerings. If there was a visit from students of the Master’s in Sports Law in April and students from Hong Kong in May, these days saw the visit of students from the Master’s in Management, Methodology, and Analysis in Football. These students had the opportunity to explore the inner workings of the club and its management in various areas and departments: youth academy recruitment – led by David Martín Valle, a scout for the lower categories of Sevilla FC – sports management – led by Fermín Galeote, a member of that department – and data usage for scouting by Jesús Olivera, the Data Football manager at the club.
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El Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán, escenario de lujo para los cursos formativos propios y de LaLiga

El Ramón Sánchez Pizjuán se ha convertido en un escenario de lujo para la celebración de eventos de todo tipo. Un marco ideal que brinda oportunidades como la celebración de jornadas formativas de los distintos cursos que el Sevilla FC, a través de su Innovation Center, ofrece cada año. Esta semana, sin ir más lejos, el templo sevillista acogió la jornada final del Máster de Periodismo Deportivo que organiza junto a la Universidad de Sevilla y otra presencial del Máster en Big Data aplicado al Scouting en fútbol que patrocina junto a la Universidad Católica de Murcia y el Sports Data Campus. Es este último uno de los másteres estrella del programa que ofrece la entidad en su continua colaboración con las universidades y que tanto valor añadido aporta a la marca Sevilla FC. El Máster en Big Data aplicado al Scouting cumple ya cuatro ediciones con más de 200 alumnos que han perfeccionado sus conocimientos y han podido crecer profesionalmente en un sector que aglutina a directores deportivos, analistas y scouts. En esta visita al Sánchez-Pizjuán, realizada el jueves, participaron los alumnos tanto de la III edición, que recibieron sus correspondientes diplomas, como de la IV, que empezó este marzo y finalizará en 2024. Profesionales de distintos departamentos del Sevilla FC, referencia nacional e internacional en el uso del dato y desarrollo tecnológico aplicado al fútbol, fueron quienes impartieron las sesiones formativas. El invitado de lujo fue el nuevo director deportivo del Sevilla FC, Víctor Orta, quien ya participó en las anteriores ediciones como referencia mundial en la materia. Al día siguiente fue el turno para el Máster en Periodismo Deportivo, que cerraba así su curso académico número diez. Organizado por la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Sevilla, a través del Centro de Formación Permanente, y patrocinado por el Sevilla FC, este máster se cerró con una conferencia magistral a cargo de Ismael Medina, periodista de Movistar. Lo hizo nada menos que en la sala de prensa del Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán, que además lleva el nombre de un ilustre periodista deportivo como José Antonio Sánchez-Araújo. Al acto asistieron Pastora Moreno, directora del máster, Enrique López, director de Formación Continua y Complementaria de la US, y el vicepresidente segundo del club, Fernando Carrión, quien destacó el compromiso de la entidad con los medios de comunicación: “El Sevilla FC ha tenido presente siempre que hay que caminar de la mano de la comunicación, de ahí la apuesta decidida, desde los albores del presente siglo, por tener un Departamento de Comunicación potente, acorde a la entidad, creciendo con ella y sensible a las nuevas tecnologías y la actual digitalización de la información. Para nosotros es un orgullo poder colaborar con la Facultad de Comunicación a través de este máster desde su primera edición, formando a periodistas”. Nueva visita de LaLiga Business School Pero el templo sevillista no sólo se convierte en un ‘aula’ de lujo para los cursos y másteres propios, sino que asiduamente es elegido por LaLiga Business School para celebrar jornadas especiales de muchas de sus ofertas académicas. Si en abril hubo visita de los alumnos del Máster de Derecho Deportivo y en mayo de estudiantes provenientes de Hong Kong, estos días han sido los del Máster en Dirección, Metodología y Análisis en el Fútbol. Dichos alumnos tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer el club desde dentro y su gestión en las distintas áreas y departamentos: captación en cantera -dirigida por David Martín Valle, scout de escalafones inferiores del Sevilla FC-, dirección deportiva -por Fermín Galeote, miembro de dicho departamento- y el uso del dato para el scouting por Jesús Olivera, responsable de Data Football en el club.
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The Sevilla FC Chair participates in the awards of the 15th UpoEmprende Contest.

On the morning of Friday, June 23, the XV UpoEmprende Contest event took place at Pablo de Olavide University, as usual, with the collaboration of the Sevilla FC Academic Chair through its Innovation Center. In a space that promotes an entrepreneurial spirit and supports business ideas generated from the university environment, awards were presented after the presentation of the 20 finalist projects, out of a total of 63 projects submitted and 214 participants.

As for the Honorable Mentions, courtesy of the Sevilla FC Academic Chair: University, Business, and Sports, in this edition of the UPOemprende Contest, two ‘Never Give Up’ awards have been granted, each with an economic prize of 400 euros. These Honorable Mentions have been awarded to the Impulsa project, a company responsible for creating virtual reality applications to enhance executive functions and improve the prefrontal lobe, and to 4EyesArenal, a digital platform for educational institutions that enables students, teachers, and administrative staff to efficiently record and resolve incidents in the school’s facilities and workshops.

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The “Tesis” program on Canal Sur TV focuses on the Sevilla FC Academic Chair at Pablo de Olavide University

The Sevilla FC Innovation Center continues to capture the attention of both insiders and outsiders. The platform where the entire innovation proposal that the club offers to the world of sports converges has been featured in the latest edition of the prestigious ‘Tesis’ program on Canal Sur TV. The television program, focused on the dissemination of the work carried out in all the universities of Andalusia, delved into the promotion and development of R&D&I projects carried out at Sevilla FC., which is the only club that has a chair at a university

It is the ‘Sevilla FC: University, Business, and Sports’ Chair, based at Pablo de Olavide University. This chair is primarily focused on the sports field – sports sciences. The goal is to develop an integrated system of research, training, analysis, information, and dissemination activities in areas related to the university, business, and sports domains. Through this chair, Sevilla FC manages to identify and foster talent, as well as contribute to employability, with over a dozen UPO students joining the club in some of its key departments.

In this latest edition of ‘Tesis’, José María Cruz Gallardo, Head of R&D&I at Sevilla FC, explains the club’s commitment as follows: “Student training starts at the university, but at Sevilla FC what we aim to do is contribute, in each training modality, our bit of knowledge so that this training is as closely aligned as possible with the realities of the market, and specifically, with the unique realities of Sevilla FC. We can provide students with a stable and reliable professional environment in which they can grow and apply the education they receive from the university”.

Meanwhile, Laura López de la Cruz, Vice Chancellor of UPO, summarizes the importance of this initiative in the program: “The Sevilla FC Chair serves a key role, which is to merge the knowledge generated in the university with its practical application in the business and society. It promotes the creation of businesses and sports, and thanks to an organization as significant as Sevilla FC, we achieve greater visibility and reach more people”.

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Sevilla FC showcases its technological muscle at the ‘Football Forum’ in Budapest

Budapest is not only the capital of Hungary but during this week it is also the capital of European football with the celebration of the UEFA Europa League final between Sevilla FC and AS Roma. The Club is present in the city of the Danube not only for its sporting merits, but also for being a reference in technological development in football. Not in vain, it was invited prior to the semi-finals for the ‘Football Forum Hungary 2023’, which was held at the Groupama Arena in Budapest on Tuesday and which dealt with all the current issues in professional football, serving as a meeting point for the exchange of information and knowledge.

Sevilla FC’s presence at the congress was by no means testimonial, but rather played a leading role with two presentations given by Juan Esteban Gómez Llamas, head of digitalisation in the Football R&D&I Department. In the first of these, he explained the Club’s commitment to innovation through its Innovation Center. Specifically, he focused on the use of data for player recruitment and talent development, with tools such as ‘AiFootball’, developed exclusively by Sevilla FC.

In addition, Juan Esteban Gómez participated in a second presentation, together with the delegate and head of business development of LaLiga in Hungary, Jesús Pizarro Bravo, focused on technological development in general. An aspect in which Sevilla FC has been an international reference for several years now. In addition to delving into the origin of this strategic commitment of the Entity, the presentation showed as an example the creation of ‘Transfer Tracker’. A tool devised by Sevilla FC, aimed at optimising economic income from training rights (FIFA’s solidarity mechanism) and which has been marketed internationally through LaLiga Tech. An unprecedented milestone at club level.

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The youth academy meeting concludes with the presentation of the pioneering technological model of Sevilla FC.

“The VII Youth Academy Meeting concluded this Tuesday at the Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán with the presentation of the technological model implemented by Sevilla FC in its youth ranks and the anticipated updates expected in the coming months as part of LaLiga’s National Youth Academy Optimization and Improvement Plan. Sevilla FC is a pioneer in the development and utilization of technological tools aimed at optimizing all processes related to youth development. Additionally, through LaLiga’s Impulse Plan, the club envisions a series of investments for the future. The two-day congress served as a platform for the club to showcase key aspects of using various technological tools in everything related to the youth academy. In the words of José María Cruz Gallardo, head of the club’s R&D department, ‘It is an honor that we have been chosen as a reference in terms of technology, work processes, and infrastructure. The player recruitment and development process is multifactorial, and we try to translate all of that into variables that we can analyze, quantify, and transform into a 360º view of the player. Everything is aimed at helping make the best possible decisions within the youth player development process, that is, within our youth academy’s strategic plan.'” All LaLiga Santander and LaLiga SmartBank clubs, present in this seventh edition, exchanged information, experiences, and advancements within a joint project through which LaLiga aims to position Spanish clubs ahead of the rest of their European competitors. Special interest was shown in articulating a legal advancement that provides protection to clubs regarding young talents who, with a simple change of residence, leave their training teams. “The future of Spanish football lies in the youth academies,” emphasized Monchi, the sporting director of Sevilla FC, on the first day. The key to improvement is sharing methodologies and information to seek feedback that aids in self-reflection, correction, and growth. “Nothing is luck, and the example is in this season. Initially, there was no bad luck, and now it’s not a matter of good luck either; it’s about reflecting, self-critiquing, and achieving the desired improvement,” explained Monchi.
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Sevilla FC participates in the workshop for the co-construction of the ‘OlavideDual’ model.

Sevilla FC was present at the I Workshop ‘Building the Olavide Dual Model.’ Specifically, the Head of the R&D department of the club, José María Cruz Gallardo, was responsible for representing the Nervión club in a project with the main goal of generating shared knowledge among the entities involved in the learning ecosystem in the Dual Teaching Model for the construction of a valid and successful model. Dual university education combines theoretical and practical training. It is worth noting that this is materialized through a collaboration agreement between the University and the Company, where the student alternates between classroom training and work in the business entity, acquiring skills and knowledge to enhance employability.

Inaugurated by Francisco Oliva Blázquez, the Rector of Pablo de Olavide University, along with Amapola Povedano Díaz, the Director General of Employability and Entrepreneurship, this event has seen the participation and attendance of other companies. They have shared the analysis of the current situation, identifying the needs and demands of companies and entities, evaluating available resources, defining objectives, and identifying obstacles and opportunities.