Conference by Jesús Arroyo on sports law to the students of LaLiga Business School

Innovation Center Innovation Center

Students of the Master in Sports Law applied to soccer visited the Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán in a special session with the assistant general manager of Sevilla FC

LaLiga Business School has once again chosen the Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán as the venue for one of its special days, in which it takes the students of the various courses it offers out of its offices. On this occasion, the visit to Sevilla FC was hosted by the club’s deputy general manager, Jesús Arroyo, who shared his extensive experience in the field with the students of the Master’s Degree in Sports Law applied to professional soccer in the José Antonio Sánchez-Araujo press room.

LaLiga has developed the Master’s Degree in Sports Law applied to professional soccer to offer the possibility of specialization in one of the fastest growing branches of law. An area in which Sevilla FC has extensive experience with numerous success stories.

Likewise, Jesús Arroyo, is the Institutional Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Sports Law applied to Football at Sevilla FC in collaboration with the Catholic University of Murcia, whose registration period is still open for the new edition.

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