Students from Tabladilla School visited the Training Facilities as part of the ‘Work Experience’ initiative.

Innovation Center Innovation Center

As a first introduction to professional activities in the fields of communication, business, and sports

As part of the ‘Work Experience’ initiative and in collaboration with the Sevilla FC Innovation Center, a group of high school students from Colegio Tabladilla visited the Ciudad Deportiva José Ramón Cisneros Palacios. The aim was to integrate these students into the daily activities of a company or institution, in this case, Sevilla FC, just before they choose their university specializations. In this way, the students were able to experience firsthand a day in the life of professionals in various areas of the club.

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On one hand, students focused on communication and marketing attended the Open Media Day organized that day by the Club’s Communication Department, together with La Liga, during which many of the first-team players engaged with the media in preparation for the upcoming El Gran Derbi that same week. Subsequently, they received guidance on potential career paths within the organization from José María Cruz Gallardo, the head of R&D at the club. They also interacted with colleagues from the Communication and Brand departments, visited their facilities, and toured the recording sets.

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Likewise, students interested in the healthcare field spent the morning with Rafael Castaño and Julia Gutiérrez, members of Sevilla FC’s Youth Academy Medical Services. They experienced a typical workday of these professionals and their tasks with the future players of Sevilla FC. In this way, Tabladilla School students had a first-hand introduction to the professional world they will soon enter, helping them to orient their future in an immersive manner.

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