Our ISS Football Academy in China doubles its numbers in just numbers in just eight months

Innovation Center Innovation Center

Since forming our partnership with the ISS, our youth academy has held a summer camp and under-12s tournament

This December, at the World Football Summit in Saudi Arabia, we presented our ambitious project to spread the success of our Innovation Centre across the glove. One of the most crucial components is third-party training, which is articulated in various ways, including through alliances with organisations like ISS (International School Services). A leader in international education, the ISS operates in more than 800 public schools around the world, offering comprehensive, personalised services based on innovation.  

Through our partnership with the ISS, we have a presence at Shekou International School in Shenzhen, China, where coaches selected and trained by the club provide extracurricular sessions to students in accordance with our own teaching and training methodology.

In the eight months since the collaboration agreement was signed, the academy has doubled its number of players from 22 to the current 56. Activities have been a continuous success, from our summer camp (which will be hopefully be rolled out in Seville in 2024) to an under-12 tournament in November, where students – dressed in Sevilla FC colours – finished second ahead of AC Milan’s academy. The academy’s current objectives are to reach 80 players by the end of the 2023-24 academic year, given the demand that is beginning to emerge thanks to promotional work in nurseries, public schools and shops in the area.

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