Hydrolimit and Soldier Fly, winning projects of the II UpoEmprende Hackathon sponsored by the chair.

Innovation Center Innovation Center

The ambassador of the Foundation, Antonio Álvarez, presented the winning teams with awards of 800 euros each during the closing ceremony.

Hydrolimit, a device to regulate or limit water discharge and consumption in medium and low-category hotels and tourist apartments, as well as Soldier Fly, a high-quality protein product for fertilization, made from the treatment of organic waste metabolized by soldier fly larvae, have been the two winning projects of the second edition of the UPOemprende Hackathon—an event for generating ideas to solve a challenge inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This second edition, organized by the Vice-Rectorate for Institutional Relations and Foundations of the Pablo de Olavide University, through the General Directorate of Employability and Entrepreneurship, had 33 students distributed in eight multidisciplinary teams. During twelve hours, they worked to respond to the challenge posed by Recapacicla, which consisted of developing sustainable solutions to address waste issues. During the event, José Viñas, the club’s Sustainability Manager, participated as a mentor.

The jury was composed of Nuria García, Design and Strategy Coordinator in Sevilla at Andalucía Emprende; Javier Ramos, Coordinator of the Employability and Entrepreneurship Area of the UPO Foundation; Pablo Uceda, Vice President of the Association of Free Software Students at UPO ‘Esoliupo’; Juan Esteban Gómez, from the R&D&I Department of Sevilla Football Club; and Cristina Cáceres Moro, CEO of the consulting firm Ciconia and manager of the Recapacicla Universidades program. They were responsible for awarding the two prizes of 800 euros each, sponsored by the Sevilla FC Chair: University, Business, and Sports and the Recapacicla Universidades program. In the closing ceremony, in addition to the jury, participants included the General Director of Employability and Entrepreneurship at Pablo de Olavide University, Amapola Povedano; the Director of the Higher Technical School at UPO, Norberto Díaz, as well as the ambassador of the Sevilla FC Foundation, Antonio Álvarez

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