Elías Zamora showedcased the Sevilla FC´s tecnology innovation at the Mobile World Congress

Innovation Center Innovation Center

The club’s Chief Data Officer, was one of the guest speakers at the event, explaining how technology and(AI are changing the sporting world

We continue to lead the way as pioneers in the industry, committed to using data, AI and technological innovation as part of our operations, on both the sporting and business sides. In an event supported by IBM and the Financial Times, Zamora discussed the club’s ongoing technology projects.

He participated in two presentations at the event; the first was titled ‘How are mobile phones and AI changing the sporting industry?’ It was hosted by Financial Times journalist Javier Espinoza while Kevin Farrar, Head of Sports Partnerships UK at IBM, was also involved..

As part of the ‘How is AI changing tactical decision making?’ presentation, Zamora addressed industry leaders and managers of big technology and sports companies, discussing the decision-making tools that have been developed and implemented at the club. Special focus was given to Scout Advisor, which was developed alongside IBM, using their Watsonx generative AI system.

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