The club, at the VII Jornadas de Emprendimiento y Deporte of the faculty of education sciences.

Innovation Center Innovation Center

José María Cruz Gallardo, head of R&D&I at Sevilla FC, took part in a talk entitled ‘Innovation and entrepreneurship in sport: Current challenges and changes’.

The VII Conference on Entrepreneurship and Sport, organised by the University of Seville, is taking place this Thursday at the Faculty of Education Sciences. Sevilla FC was represented at the event in the figure of José María Cruz Gallado, the club’s head of R+D+i, who was responsible for opening the day’s programme of conferences. Specifically, he participated in the talk entitled Innovation and entrepreneurship in sport: Challenges and current changes. Other corporations from the sports sector, in different fields, that participated were Decathlon, Snap Fitness, O2 Centro Wellness, Widitrade, BeOne Fitness & Sport and Areafit.

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